/* $Id: change_states.js,v 2006/12/14 07:55:21 max Exp $ */ /* Initialization procedure */ function init_js_states(obj, state_name, county_name, state_value, county_value, force_run) { if (!obj || typeof(state_name) != 'string' || !state_name || !obj.form.elements.namedItem(state_name)) return false; /* Get child objects */ obj.states = obj.form.elements.namedItem(state_name); obj.counties = (typeof(county_name) == 'string' && county_name) ? obj.form.elements.namedItem(county_name) : false; obj.lastCode = false; obj.lastStateCode = false; obj.defaultStates = []; if (obj.counties) obj.defaultCounties = []; /* Get default values */ var code = obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].value; if (countries[code] && countries[code].states && countries[code].states.length > 0) { for (var i in countries[code].states) { if (countries[code].states[i].code == state_value) { /* Save default state */ obj.defaultStates[code] = i; if (obj.counties && countries[code].states[i].counties && countries[code].states[i].counties.length > 0) { for (var x in countries[code].states[i].counties) { if (x == county_value) { /* Save default county */ obj.defaultCounties[i] = x; break; } } } break; } } } /* Save state and/or county full name */ if (!obj.defaultStates[code]) { obj.defaultStateFull = state_value; obj.defaultCountyFull = county_value; } else if (obj.counties && !obj.defaultCounties[obj.defaultStates[code]]) { obj.defaultCountyFull = county_value; } obj.states.countries = obj; obj.statesName = state_name; if (obj.counties) { obj.counties.countries = obj; obj.countiesName = county_name; } /* Define handler for onchange events */ if (obj.onchange) obj.oldOnchange = obj.onchange; obj.onchange = change_states; if (obj.states.onchange) obj.oldStatesOnchange = obj.states.onchange; obj.states.onchange = change_counties; if (obj.counties && obj.counties.onchange) { obj.oldCountiesOnchange = obj.counties.onchange; } /* Object settings */ obj.statesInputSize = 32; obj.statesInputMaxLength = false; obj.statesSpanClass = "SmallText"; obj.statesSpanStyle = false; obj.statesSelectClass = false; obj.statesSelectStyle = false; obj.statesInputClass = false; obj.statesInputStyle = false; obj.statesNoStates = window.txt_no_states ? txt_no_states : false; obj.countiesNoCounties = window.txt_no_counties ? txt_no_counties : false; if (force_run) { start_js_states(document.getElementById(obj.id)); } else if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener("load", new Function('', "start_js_states(document.getElementById('"+obj.id+"'))"), false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent("onload", new Function('', "start_js_states(document.getElementById('"+obj.id+"'))")); } else { window.oldOnload = window.onload; window.onload = new Function('', "if (this.oldOnload) this.oldOnload(); start_js_states(document.getElementById('"+obj.id+"'))"); } check_countries(obj); return obj; } /* Initial object run */ function start_js_states(obj) { if (obj && obj.onchange) { if (localBFamily == 'Opera') { var p = obj; while (p.parentNode) { if (p.style.display == 'none') { return; } p = p.parentNode; } } obj.onchange(); } } /* Change states list */ function change_states() { var code = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; /* Detect input box type and get default value */ if (this.states.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'SPAN') { var type = false; } else if (this.states.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'SELECT') { var type = 'S'; if (this.lastCode && countries[this.lastCode] && countries[this.lastCode].states && countries[this.lastCode].states.length > 0) { for (var i in countries[this.lastCode].states) { if (countries[this.lastCode].states[i].code == this.states.options[this.states.selectedIndex].value) { this.defaultStates[this.lastCode] = i; break; } } } } else if (this.states.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'INPUT') { var type = 'I'; this.defaultStateFull = this.states.value; } else { return true; } if (countries[code].states === false) { /* If current country hasn't any states */ if (type !== false) { this.states = tag_replace(this.states, "SPAN"); if (this.statesNoStates) this.states.innerHTML = this.statesNoStates; if (this.statesSpanClass) this.states.className = this.statesSpanClass; this.states.countries = this; this.states.onchange = change_counties; } } else if (countries[code].states.length == 0) { /* If current country has empty states list */ if (type != "I") { this.states = tag_replace(this.states, "INPUT", this.statesName); if (this.statesInputSize) this.states.size = this.statesInputSize; if (this.statesInputMaxLength) this.states.maxLength = this.statesInputMaxLength; if (this.statesInputClass) this.states.className = this.statesInputClass; this.states.countries = this; this.states.onchange = change_counties; this.states.oldOnchange = this.oldStatesOnchange; } if (this.defaultStateFull) this.states.value = this.defaultStateFull; } else if (countries[code].states.length > 0) { /* If current country has states list */ if (type != "S") { this.states = tag_replace(this.states, "SELECT", this.statesName); if (this.statesSelectClass) this.states.className = this.statesSelectClass; this.states.countries = this; this.states.onchange = change_counties; this.states.oldOnchange = this.oldStatesOnchange; } /* States list cleaning */ if ((this.lastCode != code || states_sort_override) && type == 'S') { while (this.states.options.length > 0) this.states.options[this.states.options.length-1] = null; } if (type != 'S' || this.lastCode != code) { /* Fill states list */ if (states_sort_override) { /* Sort */ var tmp = []; for (var i in countries[code].states) { tmp[i] = { name: countries[code].states[i].name, code: countries[code].states[i].code, order: countries[code].states[i].order, idx: i }; } tmp.sort(sort_states); /* Fill list */ for (var i in tmp) { if (!tmp[i]) continue; this.states.options[this.states.options.length] = new Option(tmp[i].name, tmp[i].code); if (this.defaultStates[code] == tmp[i].idx) { this.states.options[this.states.options.length-1].selected = true; this.states.selectedIndex = this.states.options.length-1; } } /* Set default state */ } else { for (var i in countries[code].states) { this.states.options[this.states.options.length] = new Option(countries[code].states[i].name, countries[code].states[i].code); if (this.defaultStates[code] == i) this.states.options[this.states.options.length-1].selected = true; } } } else if (this.defaultStates[code] && countries[code].states[this.defaultStates[code]]) { /* Set default state */ for (var i = 0; i < this.states.options.length; i++) { if (this.states.options[i].value == countries[code].states[this.defaultStates[code]].code) { this.states.options[i].selected = true; this.states.selectedIndex = i; break; } } } else { this.states.options[0].selected = true; this.states.selectedIndex = 0; } } /* Call old onchange event handler */ if (this.oldOnchange) this.oldOnchange(); /* Call counties rebuild procedure */ if (this.states.onchange) this.states.onchange(); this.oldSelectedIndex = this.selectedIndex; this.lastCode = code; } /* Change counties list */ function change_counties() { if (!this.countries || !this.countries.counties) return true; var counties = this.countries.counties; var code = this.countries.options[this.countries.selectedIndex].value; var scode = false; if (this.options && countries[code].states && countries[code].states.length > 0 && this.options[this.selectedIndex]) { for (var i in countries[code].states) { if (countries[code].states[i].code == this.options[this.selectedIndex].value) { scode = i; break; } } } else if (this.tagName.toUpperCase() == "INPUT") { scode = 0; } /* Detect input box type and get default value */ if (counties.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'SPAN') { var type = false; } else if (counties.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'SELECT') { var type = 'S'; if (this.countries.lastCode && this.countries.lastStateCode && countries[this.countries.lastCode] && countries[this.countries.lastCode].states && countries[this.countries.lastCode].states[this.countries.lastStateCode] && countries[this.countries.lastCode].states[this.countries.lastStateCode].counties && countries[this.countries.lastCode].states[this.countries.lastStateCode].counties.length > 0) { for (var i in countries[this.countries.lastCode].states[this.countries.lastStateCode].counties) { if (i == counties.options[counties.selectedIndex].value) { this.countries.defaultCounties[this.countries.lastStateCode] = i; break; } } } } else if (counties.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'INPUT') { var type = 'I'; this.countries.defaultCountyFull = counties.value; } else { return true; } if (scode === false) { /* If current country hasn't any states and counties */ if (type !== false) { this.countries.counties = counties = tag_replace(counties, "SPAN"); if (this.countries.countiesNoCounties) counties.innerHTML = this.countries.countiesNoCounties; if (this.countries.statesSpanClass) counties.className = this.countries.statesSpanClass; } } else if (!countries[code].states[scode] || countries[code].states[scode].counties.length == 0) { /* If current country hasn't states or current state hasn't counties list */ if (type != "I") { this.countries.counties = counties = tag_replace(counties, "INPUT", this.countries.countiesName); if (this.countries.statesInputSize) counties.size = this.countries.statesInputSize; if (this.countries.statesInputMaxLength) counties.maxLength = this.countries.statesInputMaxLength; if (this.countries.statesInputClass) counties.className = this.countries.statesInputClass; if (this.countries.oldCountiesOnchange) counties.onchange = this.countries.oldCountiesOnchange; } if (this.countries.defaultCountyFull) counties.value = this.countries.defaultCountyFull; } else if (countries[code].states[scode].counties.length > 0) { /* If current state has counties list */ if (type != "S") { this.countries.counties = counties = tag_replace(counties, "SELECT", this.countries.countiesName); if (this.countries.statesSelectClass) counties.className = this.countries.statesSelectClass; if (this.countries.oldCountiesOnchange) counties.onchange = this.countries.oldCountiesOnchange; } /* Clear old counties list */ if ((this.countries.lastStateCode != scode || states_sort_override) && type == 'S') { while (counties.options.length > 0) counties.options[0] = null; } /* Fill counties list */ if (this.countries.lastStateCode != scode || type != 'S') { if (states_sort_override) { /* Sort */ var tmp = []; for (var i in countries[code].states[scode].counties) { tmp[i] = { name: countries[code].states[scode].counties[i].name, order: countries[code].states[scode].counties[i].order, idx: i }; } tmp.sort(sort_states); /* Fill list */ for (var i in tmp) { if (!tmp[i]) continue; counties.options[counties.options.length] = new Option(tmp[i].name, tmp[i].idx); if (this.countries.defaultCounties[scode] == tmp[i].idx) { counties.options[counties.options.length-1].selected = true; counties.selectedIndex = counties.options.length-1; } } } else { for (var i in countries[code].states[scode].counties) { counties.options[counties.options.length] = new Option(countries[code].states[scode].counties[i].name, i); if (this.countries.defaultCounties[scode] == i) counties.options[counties.options.length-1].selected = true; } } } } this.countries.lastStateCode = scode; if (this.oldOnchange) this.oldOnchange(); if (counties.onchange) counties.onchange(); } /* Replace tag by tag */ function tag_replace(obj, tag, tname) { var tmp = obj.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createElement(tag), obj); obj.parentNode.removeChild(obj); if (obj.name) obj.name = ''; delete obj; if (tname) tmp.id = tmp.name = tname; return tmp; } /* Sort states and counties (Opera fix) */ function sort_states(a, b) { if (!a || !b || !a.order || !b.order || a.order == b.order) return 0; return a.order > b.order ? 1 : -1; } /* Check countries list (for Google Toolbar Autofill functionality) */ function check_countries(obj) { if (!obj || !obj.id) return; if (obj.oldSelectedIndex != undefined && obj.oldSelectedIndex != obj.selectedIndex && obj.onchange) obj.onchange(); obj.oldSelectedIndex = obj.selectedIndex; obj.changeStatesTO = setTimeout("check_countries(document.getElementById('"+obj.id+"'));", 1000); }